Water is Life

Water is the key to all life: Nearly every single living organism needs water to survive. 

Here’s just a sampling of our recent efforts for water and sanitation:

  • Improved access to safe and hygienic shower and gender-friendly sanitation facilities for women and girls who are Myanmar refugees living in camps.
  • Rehabilitating and constructing water harvesting structures in Somalia.

We Need YOUR Help

We envision a world where everyone has access to clean water and sanitation; where water is treated as a right, not a privilege. If we work together—with YOU—we can make that vision a reality.

$1,000 can help set the foundation for a solar-powered water generator in drought-prone regions

$250 can help build safe sanitation zones for women and girls

$30 can provide clean water access to families in need

Please donate now and help break the chains of poverty by opening up access to clean water and sanitation.